
Drag & drop a CSV file


Data profiling online

Use this free and open-source web app to profile data and generate visual summaries of your CSV datasets

In many industries, understanding data is a vital skill. However, most people struggle to recognize patterns and extract insights from raw tabular datasets because we are not computers. That's why data visualization and profiling are invaluable tools, frequently utilized to transform raw numbers into comprehensible elements like charts, trends, and statistics. Data profiling enables the creation of overviews of tabular files, offering detailed information and descriptive statistics for each variable contained in a dataset. StatSim Profile is a browser-based data profiling tool that is free and open-source. It processes files locally without uploading them to a web server and can handle large datasets, even those in gigabytes.

Open Large CSV Files

The app utilizes online statistical algorithms to sequentially process data without loading the entire dataset into memory. To facilitate this, we have developed and open-sourced OnlineStats.js, a suite of JavaScript modules for online statistical analysis.

Understand Your Data

StatSim Profile features various statistical methods that aid in better understanding your data. It generates an overview of a CSV dataset, which includes variable types, missing values, descriptive statistics, histograms, top values, and the first five records.

100% Free and Client-Side

StatSim Profile is a JavaScript web app that operates within your browser. Since it doesn't involve any server-side code, any dataset you profile remains on your machine. Additionally, it's entirely open-source and hosted on GitHub Pages, allowing you to download and use it locally if needed.

If you find the app useful, please give it a star on GitHub. For bug reports, please create an issue.

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Check also:
StatSim Preview - Explore large text files online

StatSim Vis - Visualize high-dimensional datasets (PCA, t-SNE, UMAP)